By Fr. Christopher Foeckler, MJ • Phoenix, AZ

At the beginning of every calendar year, not only do we Catholics ring in the New Year invoking the powerful intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, but with the Holy Father we pray solemnly for World Peace! The angelic hosts who sang at the birth of Christ prophesied peace in their celestial canticle that we repeat each time we pray the Gloria at Mass: “and on earth peace to people of good will”. Peace is the hallmark of Heaven, the sign of God’s presence, and a fruit of the gifts of the Spirit. It is one of the greatest gifts we can hope for and which we must pray for fervently from our Lord, the Prince of Peace!

During this past Advent (Year C) we considered, on two separate Sundays, a prayer by St. Paul for the Thessalonians and then for the Philippians that was strikingly similar – like it was something St. Paul prayed often apart from his letters: “Brothers and Sisters: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we have for you, so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His holy ones. Amen.” (1Thes 3:12ff) He echoes very similar words and sentiments in his letter to the Philippians, saying “This is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more…” (Cf. Phil 1:4ff.)

Since, according to the angelic salutation, “good will” is the condition for receiving “peace on earth”, it seems clear that the formula for peace as suggested by St. Paul’s repeated prayer is both praying often for, and personally striving to, increase our love for one another and for all! I would suggest that praying for and striving to having “good will” towards all, even with those who challenge us or are opposed to us to some degree or other, is the formula for peace. See good in them and you will increase your “good will” towards them. 

The fruit of peace would begin in our own hearts, calming any resentment, bad will or hatred, while increasing our spirit of fraternal charity and agape love! This interior peace would lead to a greater atmosphere of peace in our own family or group or community around us. With these fundamental units of society at better peace, it would lead then to a hope for peace on a grander scale to include our towns, cities and countries, and even then world-wide! 

It all starts with me both praying for peace and striving to have good will in my own heart! 

Happy New Year to all our readers, supporters and loved ones! Peace be with you all!

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