The world is waiting for you … and so is He.

House of Christian Formation

God created you, with great love, as a unique and unrepeatable person. He has a special plan just for you. You have your own set of talents and gifts (whether you know what they are yet or not!). You are at a moment in life where many roads lie open before you. Which one do you take? Marriage? Consecrated life? And what about studies? Career? How can you choose? So much is just waiting for you! Go forward together with Jesus. He will lead you to the fullness of joy and of love in this life and the next.

“HCF” is your opportunity to:

  • live under the same roof as Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and deepen your spiritual life;
  • live with others who share your values and desire to become closer to God;
  • see what community life is like, sharing experiences and learning from one another;
  • live in a prayerful environment while pursuing studies
    or career;


  • daily prayer including Mass, rosary, and morning and evening prayer time together;
  • formation through discussions, readings, etc., on various topics such as Church teaching, how to witness the Faith,
    and so on;
  • learning how daily work and study can be an important apostolate – a way of honoring God, witnessing to the Gospel, and practicing the Beatitudes.

What is it?

The Catholic “House of Christian Formation” (HCF) is a year-long program for young men and women who want to dedicate some time to discerning God’s plan for their lives. It’s a chance to live in the house of an institute of consecrated life and see what that lifestyle is like while discerning your own vocation, whether it is to marriage, consecrated life, etc.

Is it for me?

This program is definitely for you if:

  • if you’re between the ages of 21-31;
  • you already study or work full-time;
  • you are in good health;
  • you are ready to accept the responsibilities of building up a true community — the cost of your stay, helping with housework and cooking, a simple dress code, and promoting a family atmosphere;
  • …and, MOST OF ALL, you desire to dedicate some time to discerning God’s plan for your life!

Why try it?

Whatever path you follow in life, you will benefit by dedicating some time now to community and private prayer, deepening your knowledge and formation in the Catholic faith, and living with others who also strive to put God first in their lives.


There are Houses of Christian Formation, separate for men and women, located in Phoenix, Arizona, Lublin, Poland, and Rome, Italy. The HCF is an apostolate of Miles Jesu.

Is a program like this for you?

Visit us for a short ‘Come and See’ and for an interview! Contact us

To you, young people, I say: if you hear the Lord’s call, do not reject it! Dare to become part of the great movements of holiness which renowned saints have launched in their following of Christ. Cultivate the ideals proper to your age, but readily accept God’s plan for you if He invites you to seek holiness in the consecrated life. Admire all God’s works in the world, but be ready to fix your eyes on the things destined never to pass away.

–Pope St. John Paul II, vita consecrata


“Dear young men and women, in Christ you find fulfilled your every desire for goodness and happiness. He alone can satisfy your deepest longings, which are so often clouded by deceptive worldly promises. As Saint John Paul II said: “He is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is he who provokes you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is he who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is he who reads in your hearts your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle. It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives.”

–Pope Francis. Message for World Youth Day 2015

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