Dear Friend in Christ,

“She was just turning ten when both of Lisa’s parents were sent off to prison for drug abuse,” Olga Semeruk, MJ, tells us. “The government then brought Lisa to our Girls’ Home in Birky, Ukraine, and her younger brother to our Boys’ Home in Bortniky.

“It is amazing to see Lisa’s development, despite her tragic beginnings and even the death of her mother this past year. Young Lisa, now turning 17, has an ambition: she wants to be a journalist. The training she and some of our other girls received at a Catholic English camp this past summer has aided each of them to excel in English language studies at school. Lisa wants to be a journalist to speak her mind and to right what is wrong. She was elected President of the 250-student body at her school and takes a keen personal interest in helping the needy. For St. Nicholas Day she led other students in organizing the collection of food and needed items for poor families in the area. All the girls at our Birky home respect Lisa because of her good leadership qualities.”

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Girls’ Home in Birky, Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge or whatever you can give truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.

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