Dear Friend in Christ,

As you already know, one of our apostolates is helping the poor people living on the streets of Rome near St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City. The Miles Jesu Women’s community in Rome visits many of them regularly, bringing them a warm, home-cooked meal or sandwich, fresh fruit, and a drink.

Katka, MJ, tells us, “Most of the people in need are immigrants who came in hope of finding a better place to live. They survive day-to-day on what people give them, begging for food, asking for a possibility to take a shower, wash their clothes, get basic medical treatment, etc. Even living in these poor material conditions, many of them have a happy face when they meet us, thanking God for His divine providence and goodness. Their hearts are very “warm” and grateful for every small attention we give to them and for the possibility to share with us about their difficulties and hopes of their own everyday life. A woman who had already been living on the street with her son for a few years once told us: “You are my family. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.”

Yes, this mom was right, we are a big family of God, children of our Heavenly Father, precious in His eyes. We are helping one another with what we have, both material and spiritual goods, because we believe in what Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Mt 25:40) Thank you for your support. It makes a real difference!”

Please help the Miles Jesu Missions, such as our outreach for the poor in Rome, today! Your sacrifice of a one-time gift or monthly pledge truly makes all the difference. We take our benefactors seriously in Miles Jesu, so don’t forget to include your prayer petitions as well. We pray with gratitude for you and your loved ones during our daily Masses, our holy hours, and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon the Providence of God through people like you.

Please support the Miles Jesu Missions today!

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