Dear Friend in Christ,
“Every day 30-40 homeless people come to our Soup Kitchen, some of them from Crimea and eastern Ukraine,” says Zoriana Dnistrianska, MJ, Directress of our women’s community in L’Viv. “And then another 20 or so people come to bring food home to their hungry families of anywhere from five to nine members. In addition, every Wednesday a government social worker comes to take food to 13 homebound elderly people.
“We try to give them the best; for example, food which I myself like to eat, not just anything. The homeless people are very hungry and come back for seconds. One of them told me, ‘This soup is so tasty; people can’t even make such a good soup in their own home!’ With our hearty meat and vegetable soup we also serve tea and bread, and sometimes sausage, cakes, candy and fruit. No one goes away hungry.
“And one day a month five of us (three cooks and two MJ ladies) give a deep cleaning of the soup kitchen: walls, floors, chairs, tables, dishes, utensils, appliances, etc. Our patrons deserve the best. We serve them with a lot of love.”
Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Soup Kitchen in L’Viv, Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge or whatever you can afford, truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.
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