Dear Friend in Christ,

“In Ukraine we believe strongly in the teaching of Christ that a person does not live by bread alone,” writes Zoriana, MJ, co-director of the Miles Jesu Soup Kitchen in L’Viv, Ukraine. “But when you are hungry and you do not have enough money for food, it’s hard to think of something else because satisfying hunger is a basic human need. So we help many with food and prayer.

“Our Soup Kitchen is open three days each week. Each day we cook 140 liters (37 gallons) of soup and serve 60 liters (16 gallons) of milk, soup and tea, serving from 50-70 people. Most of our visitors come every day the Soup Kitchen is open, while others come once a week or once every two weeks. Every Wednesday, a driver from a social service center distributes our soup (12 servings) to single elderly people in their homes. Some of our visitors eat in our dining room, while others take enough food with them for their whole family.

“Though we are no longer the only charitable soup kitchen in L’Viv, our visitors say that we have the most delicious soup and that nowhere else do they get milk, soup and tea. Because they eat only once a day, some of them can eat 2 liters (1/2 gallon) of soup, ½ loaf of bread, and ½ quart of milk. When possible, we give them extra food in a container so that they can take it with them. Our serving pots are empty every time.

“Many of our visitors come well before the start of the food distribution to meet others and talk. Our Soup Kitchen has become a place where people not only satisfy hunger, but also where they can communicate and satisfy loneliness.”

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Soup Kitchen in L’Viv, Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge, or whatever you can give, truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today.

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