Dear Friend in Christ,

“The Birky Girls’ Home in Ukraine for orphaned or abandoned girls, located about 15 kilometers from L’Viv, is designed for 12 girls living permanently in the house, ranging from seven to 18 years of age. In reality we let them stay until they are self-sufficient,” Olia Semeruk, MJ, tells us. “During their stay we fully provide for their medical, educational and recreational needs. We help them advance in a particular profession depending upon their abilities and desire to learn. Our younger girls study in the local public school. They also visit different sports clubs or classes on additional subjects according to each one’s interests. We strive to provide a comfortable family atmosphere for the benefit of our girls who have suffered tremendous emotional, and sometimes physical, scars in their young childhood years.

“For the first half of the 2017 year we have spent $24,500 to support our Birky Girls’ Home as follows: Food-$5,822 / Clothing & Footwear-$4,226 / Recreation-$1,132 / School Fees-$3,585 / Medical Expenses-$4,226 / Utilities-$3,396 / Repairs-$2,113. This is all thanks to our dear benefactors. God bless you all!”

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Girls’ Home in Birky, Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge or whatever you can give truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.


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