“God looks on, his angels look on, Christ too looks on as we struggle and strive in the contest of faith. What great dignity and glory are ours, what happiness to join battle in the presence of God and to be crowned by Christ, the Judge!”
Responsory, Office of Readings, St. Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs

Since Our Lord loves us so richly, there are also many ways to love Him in return. We can look at our spiritual lives as grace received, and our effort to grow in four complimentary ways of loving Christ.

As a servant, we strive to be more faithful to Him; as a friend, we strive to follow Him with the same inner disposition that he has; as a soldier, we try to follow Him even when it means being ready to suffer opposition or confrontation for the sake of His love; as a son/daughter, we strive to live like Our Heavenly Father and in union with Him.

Each of these ways is part of a mature love of Christ, and an imitation of His own love. We recall St. John the Apostle who joined the gift of being a son of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, and becoming ready to suffer by His Crucified Lord, i.e. a soldier’s love.

By abundant prayer and selfless effort, we can obtain these virtues for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

–Fr. Robert Nicoletti, General Director

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