Dear Friend in Christ,

The Birky Girls’ Home, located in the Lviv region of Ukraine, was founded by the Miles Jesu Women’s Community in 2004 to help orphans and children from problem families.

“2020 was not an easy year”, said Olia, MJ. “Much of the time the girls were at home and schooling was online. One of our girls was ill with a mild form of the coronavirus which meant that we were in quarantine. To use the time, we organized various classes including theater days, daily reading of books, wildlife trips to the forest, etc. and the girls had many opportunities for learning how to cook and bake. We now have the tradition of ‘evening tea’ when we talk about the day that has passed.”

“During the summer, when not in quarantine, we camped by a lake with swans and had a master class on mushroom picking in the forest. The mushrooms were delicious! We also had a wonderful adventure on the Dniester River rafting with oars which was very much fun. We sailed 28 kilometers through the wilderness! The girls really impressed me in the evening when we returned home. They prepared dinner and cleaned up afterward amicably and responsibly.”

“We also took part in the life of the local parish. Since many people did not have the opportunity to work, young people (including our girls) organized a fundraising fair to help the unemployed. The girls also joined in caroling to raise funds for the parish.”

“No, 2020 was not easy, but it really gave us a sense of family”, said Olia. 

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Birky Girls’ Home in Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a monthly pledge or a one-time gift truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily with gratitude because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.

Yours in Jesus through Mary.

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today.

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