Dear Friend in Christ,
While human trafficking may sound like something that happens in faraway places, the truth is that it happens right here where we live and it does not discriminate – it targets every community, every race, all socioeconomic strata, and education levels. It might start with the promise of a good job, one that turns out to be nothing like it seems, or with a runaway teenager, who will do anything to survive. People of all ages are victims of trafficking – from the undocumented on work visas, to abused and underpaid intellectually disabled adults, to women trapped in cycles of abuse and forced into prostitution – but children are especially at risk. The most attractive targets for traffickers are youth: with histories of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, substance abuse or mental health issues; in foster care; involved with the juvenile justice system; who are runaways or homeless.
Star of the Sea,, a non-denominational project of the Miles Jesu Missions, uses prayer petitions as one way to raise awareness of the exploitation of humans. Several thousand people hear the prayer petition “For an end to human trafficking and abortion” at Mass and/or read of it in the bulletin regularly at a large parish in Chicago. A nearby parish has recently started to make a similar prayer petition. Awareness and Prayer are mixed together to end this scourge on the dignity of the human person.
Your help is needed to continue our Star of the Sea program. Please help the Miles Jesu Missions today! Your sacrifice of a large gift or pledge of $100-a-month, $50-a-month, $25-a-month, or whatever your means allow, truly makes all the difference. Send your tax-deductible donation in the enclosed envelope along with your prayer petitions. In Miles Jesu we take our benefactors seriously and pray for you and your loved ones during our daily Mass, holy hour and rosary. This is our debt of gratitude, since the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon the Providence of God through people like you.
Yours in Jesus through Mary
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