Dear Friend in Christ,

Our Soup Kitchen in L’Viv, Ukraine, started very simply many years ago in a small apartment purchased by Miles Jesu in the center of Lviv as a place to provide a free warm lunch to those in need: namely, the homeless, the poor, and more recently, those resettled from the war in the Eastern part of Ukraine. Meals were handed out from this apartment for
almost ten years, and then the Soup Kitchen was moved to the present location which is in the city center but still close enough to care of those in need.

“Many of the people who come to the kitchen are actually homeless, others are elderly who live alone and cannot survive on the small pension they receive from the government, and some are mentally ill and incapable of holding a job”, reports Zoriana Dnistrianska, MJ. “There are some large families with five, six, or seven children. Most of our visitors have come to depend very much on this meal every day.”

“Currently, the soup kitchen operates Monday through Friday”, continues Zoriana. “Each day we cook 140 liters of soup, 60 liters of milk soup and tea. Sometimes we distribute sausages, eggs, sweets and fruit. Our visitors say that we have the most delicious soup in Lviv! Here they can eat until they are satisfied. Because they eat only once per day, some of them can eat two liters of soup, a half a liter of milk, and half a loaf of bread in one sitting. Each day almost 100 people come to us, and our saucepans are empty every time because we give out any extra or put it in containers so our visitors can take it with them. We would like to return to operating six days per week and expand the project to provide not only food but also respond to their other needs, providing spiritual food, help solving certain other problems, and improving the quality of their lives. We would like to engage new specialists (i.e. psychologists, lawyers, doctors, and social workers) to help with this.”

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Soup Kitchen in L’Viv, Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge, or whatever you can give, truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today.

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