Girls Becoming Young Women

Girls Becoming Young Women

Dear Friend in Christ,

“In addition to orphan children, our home accepts young girls whose parents are on permanent psychiatric treatment or are in prison, are alcoholics or drug addicts,” Olia, MJ, of the Miles Jesu Girls’ Home in Birky, Ukraine, tells us. “We have girls from seven to 18 years of age. Officially they can stay until age 18, but in reality we allow them to stay until they are self-sufficient. All of the girls are provided fully for their medical, educational and recreational needs. We strive to provide a comfortable and home-like atmosphere as much as possible—we cook together in the kitchen on special days and celebrate birthdays and feast days together; camping and field trips, talk with the girls one-on-one, take them shopping, etc.

“We also give extra help for the girls who want to pursue a particular profession, depending upon each one’s abilities and desire to learn. Currently we have 12 girls in the house plus four university students we are supporting who come on the weekends. This year three more of our girls will begin university studies in medicine, tourism and journalism. What a difference our benefactors have made in the lives of all these girls! ”

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our Girls’ Home in Birky, Ukraine. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge or whatever you can give truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.

Additional Reading

Talking to God

By Joe Sullivan, MJ • Phoenix, AZ Have you ever met someone new and, after talking with them for a while, you realize you feel like you have known this person for 20 years? [...]

The Grateful Heart

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