The Unsurpassable Gift – Part I

By Fr. Christopher Foeckler, MJ •  St. Josaphat Formation Center • Phoenix, AZ

Two events helped inspire this reflection for the New Year: a book on prayer I read during retreat and then being called to the bedside of a dying woman who wanted Baptism. The book delved into a part of prayer most of us have all heard of but, as in my case, hadn’t considered very deeply. But since the retreat afforded time and reflection, I was able to pursue the ‘Indwelling of the Holy Trinity’ in the soul of the baptized more thoroughly. My reflections were then poignantly incarnated by having the great privilege of being called to baptize a dying lady from a foreign country where Christianity is still almost non-existent. Her battle with cancer had prevented her from completing the normal RCIA classes at the parish nor even the private lessons of a devoted friend at home. Yet she was dying and wanted, like her married daughter, to be baptized.

Reflecting on the benefits of Baptism that we are commonly taught was a valuable introduction for administering the Sacrament. The first and foremost of the Sacrament’s benefits is Sanctifying Grace. With it comes a purification of the soul from any sin – original and/or personal, washed away as in the symbolic cleansing of the pouring water drops. Following on the expulsion of evil, the soul is flooded with the Glory of God and experiences by Sanctifying Grace a real participation in the Divine Life of God making us “adopted” children of God and hence heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven and co-heirs with Christ the Natural Eternal Son of the Father. To enable us to act as children of God we are infused with the Theological Virtues: Faith to believe that God exists; Hope to confidently expect the promises He makes to us; and Charity to love Him and our neighbor as He Himself does. In addition, we receive the Moral Virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude again to be able to act as God’s children. On top of all that, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to aid us in extreme situations to act as true sons and daughters of God our Father.

This treasure trove of gifts enables us to participate in the very Life of God while here on earth. There is yet one more gift of Baptism that far surpasses all these by an infinite degree and by which God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit participate in our life while we are here on earth. (to be continued next month…)

Additional Reading

Prepared to Thrive

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