

“A new state of affairs today both in the Church and in social, economic, political and cultural life, calls with a particular urgency for the action of the lay faithful. If lack of commitment is always unacceptable, the present time renders it even more so. It is not permissible for anyone to remain idle.”
Christifidelis Laici n.3

Talking to God

By Joe Sullivan, MJ • Phoenix, AZ Have you ever met someone new and, after talking with them for a while, you realize you feel like you have known this person for 20 years? [...]

The Grateful Heart

Dear Friend in Christ, “Every day in the Vatican area we meet new faces of immigrants and homeless people,” Geraldine, MJ, a member of the Miles Jesu Women’s Community in Rome tells us. “Those [...]

Living Differently

By Joe Sullivan, MJ • Phoenix, AZ The first weekend of September, the Miles Jesu Men’s community conducted the seventh Challenge Youth Retreat. There were ten teen boys participating.  Once again, the week before [...]


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