By Joe Sullivan, MJ • Phoenix, AZ
Just recently, in my medical transport job, I picked up a man named Stan to take him to an appointment. He was young and tall. Soon after he got in, he asked, “So, what kinds of things do you think about?” I replied, “All kinds of things.” He said he liked cooking and philosophy, especially comparative religions.
Well, as much as I love to cook, I could not resist the opportunity to discuss religions. Stan said, “I am a Taoist and I like to see the similarities all religions have so that all of humanity can strive toward the transcendental.” I replied, “Interesting. I like to concentrate on reason and whether a line of thinking is logical. That way I can focus on seeking truth.”
Stan responded, “Oh! But you mean your truth, right?” I said, “No… there is an objective truth outside of both you and me. Our subjective perspectives, viewpoints, or opinions are not truth. There is only one truth, regardless of you and me.”
To this Stan said, “I think there are many ways that lead to the same thing.” I told him, “This is not logical. Two or three or many opposing assertions existing at the same time cannot lead to the same place.” Looking for common ground with Stan, I added, “But, as people, we are similar. We are all looking for Truth, but more than just that, we are all looking for a relationship that fulfills us.” Stan said, “YES!”
I explained, “We all have a hole in our heart the size of the Grand Canyon and we are always trying to fill it. This hole in our heart is an infinite hole. We were all created with it. Why?” Stan slowly began to piece together the answer. “So we seek the only One thing that can fill it,” he said. I coached, “And What or Who is that?” He said, “The infinite, the eternal.” “YES!” I said, “We are made to have an intimate relationship with the Infinite, the Eternal, the Creator!” Stan’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped.
I said, “It is so awesome! I love that!” Stan replied, “Me too!”
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