By Fr. Christopher Foeckler, MJ • Phoenix, AZ

Since the main focus of the Christmas season is the Child Jesus – the Eternal Son of God becoming the Son of Mary – I would like to add to the contemplation of the Child Jesus some of the astonishing ways He Himself references “a child” much later during His public ministry, so that our consideration of Him as a child in the manger or in the arms of His Mother Mary is not mere wonder or simple sentimentality, but in fact the very beginning of Him showing us by His own personal example the meaning of becoming His disciple and entering the Kingdom of Heaven. 

When the disciples were arguing about who was the greatest among them, Jesus stood a little child in their midst and embracing it said, “Whoever receives a child such as this receives Me and not only Me, but the One who sent Me”! (cf Mk 9:34-37) Jesus identifies Himself with a little child! At Christmas this is not a figurative reference. Yet, we learn that if we receive Him as a child, not only do we receive the Lord, but we receive also the Heavenly Father Who sent Him. 

In another response to the Apostles’ competition among themselves, Jesus brings forth another child and says, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of God!” (cf Mt 18:4) He is the Master we are to imitate and, since He has identified Himself as a child, He then expects us to become like little children too. And He even warns that “Unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of God!” (Mt 18:3) So, not only will they not be first in the Kingdom, they will not even enter into it unless the disciples change and become like a little child!

On another occasion, Jesus praises the Heavenly Father, thanking Him for revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom, not to the wise and the learned, but in fact to the “childlike”! (cf. Mt 11:25) And while the childlike are learning of the mysteries of the Kingdom, Jesus adds a very personal lesson, “Learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and thus you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden light.” (cf. Mt: 11:26)

So, while contemplating the Child Jesus this Christmas, let’s not only admire His humility in becoming a little child for our sakes, but strive to imitate Him by trusting and following Him joyfully as a meek and humble child of God and member of the Heavenly Kingdom! 

Merry Christmas to all our brothers and sisters, readers and benefactors!

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