Dear Friend in Christ,

Miles Jesu has been operating the St. Theresa Nursery and Primary School in Nimo, Nigeria, for more than ten years. “When I assumed the position of headmistress in September 2019, Kate was already teaching and caring for the Pre-K class and she loved them with all her heart!”, Lucia, MJ, tells us.

“She was a silent worker, never complaining, always grateful for the least thing done for her, and ever patient with the little two-year old toddlers in her care. The parents loved her and appreciated her advice regarding the care of their children and their academic progress. Teacher Kate had kidney issues, but it seemed that being with ‘her children’, as she would fondly call them, gave her strength. She worked a full day in school on July 8, 2024 but, by 6:30 a.m. the next day, she was dead. As if she knew she would die, she left a drawer open with a list of her children for recording the third term promotional exam results scheduled for the next day, wrote each child’s name on their report cards, made a summary of all she had being teaching them, and then… died. It was shocking for us all! The children miss her. I wonder how their little minds are processing the disappearance of their teacher.”

“May the soul of teacher Kate Ezedinachi, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”

Please help our Miles Jesu Missions today, such as our school in Nimo, Nigeria. Your sacrifice of a large gift, a monthly pledge or whatever you can afford, truly makes all the difference. In Miles Jesu we pray for our benefactors daily at Mass and in our holy hours and rosaries because the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon God’s help through people like you.

Please support the Miles Jesu Missions today!

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