“…Protect these new-born members of Christ, help them resist all false beliefs, and so keep intact the grace of your blessing…”

From morning prayer of  Saturday, 3rd week of Easter

We may have enough love to serve Christ because He is generous with His gifts. But do we have enough charity to resist all that He resists? Daily experience of our spiritual life shows that every ‘no’ to temptation, is a ‘yes’ to Christ. In fact, we must train ourselves with God’s grace to reject all that is not of Christ, or our ‘yes’ to Him becomes unstable and unworthy of His Majesty.  For this, we examine regularly  with attention what thoughts led to our falls. What strategy did our enemy use to turn us from obedience to God: pleasure or fear or anger…? Once the Lord shows us the weak spot, we immediately try to counter this inclination by doing the exact opposite, i.e. the virtue which makes us like Christ. After receiving Holy Communion, we can ask for the grace to understand this strategy and to choose what most would glorify the Father in this resistance. Our Lady will help.

–Fr. Robert Nicoletti, General Director

Read Part 3 ->

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