Dear Friend in Christ,

“Visitors to the Miles Jesu Soup Kitchen in L’Viv, Ukraine, are generally people who live on a fixed pension due to age or poor health”, reports Zoriana Dnistrianska, MJ. “Living on a pension is truly a matter of just surviving. For example, there had been no electricity in Ukrainian cities and villages for 12-14
hours per day during June and July because of repairs at power plants and stations which meant it was necessary to use generators in factories, bakeries, and for product storage. This resulted in price increases in August that were hard for people on a fixed income to afford.” 

“Despite the issues with electricity, we were able to operate the Soup Kitchen without interruption during the hot summer days. Although the situation has stabilized for now, we are preparing for winter, not knowing if there will be power outages again. We are also making cosmetic repairs to the premises so visitors feel good about being there.”

“New faces who need help appear all the time at our Soup Kitchen, and every day the visitors tell us how grateful they are for the warm and tasty food they receive. We thank God for the support from you, the Miles Jesu benefactors, that make it possible to help these people.”

Your help is needed to continue our work in Ukraine. Please help Miles Jesu today! Your sacrificial gift of whatever your means allows truly makes all the difference. Just send your tax-deductible donation in the enclosed envelope along with your prayer petitions. In Miles Jesu we take our benefactors seriously and pray for you and your loved ones during our daily Mass, our holy hours and rosaries. This is our debt of gratitude, since the Miles Jesu Missions depend upon the Providence of God through people like you.

Please support the Miles Jesu Missions today!

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